Dylan’s birthday celebration and world epilepsy day!

Dylan birthday was on Thursday he would of turned 18 but he lost his battle with epilepsy due to SUDEP on April 24,2020. Next month will be a year without my sweet angel. Things are hard without you here. We all love and miss you so much Dylan. You brought so much joy to our lives. Not one day goes by without you in our hearts. We celebrated your birthday at one of your favorite places to eat and that was the Outback. We got burgers for you sweetheart! Some of the pictures are from world epilepsy day.

Happy Easter!🐰

Superman just stopping by to say Happy Easter to everyone. He has been doing pretty good lately. Thanks for the Easter card. I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter. Love you all.

Superman ‘s Birthday!

We got him a cake and some ice cream. He ate few bites of the cake but wasn’t that interested in the icecream or cake. He did try to grab the cake and a little bit icing got on his fingers and in his hair. We got him a couple tee shirts and shorts! His brother got him a couple pair of pull on pants and a Superman tee shirt and a few other things which haven’t came yet. We did sing happy Birthday to him. His memaw called earlier and sang happy birthday to him also he enjoyed that and so did his niece Delilah.

A few from tonight!
Sighing happy Birthday to Superman!


So, Superman hasn’t been feeling well. He slept through Christmas eve and most of Christmas day. He did wake up for a little while and open a few presents. Superman says thank you for the gifts. Send prayers and positive thoughts for healing. My present for him still hasn’t arrived yet. I got him a go talk 4 hopefully it gets here soon.

Some cute pictures from Halloween!

Superman didn’t go trick or treating. He did have some fun at home though. His sister took some snapchat pictures of him. His brother carved a pumpkin in the Superman emblem. So, I can say he had better Halloween than last year he is not in the hospital.

A few pictures of Superman!

My Superman is growing up up to fast. I can’t believe how much he has changed. He is so handsome.

Cute pictures!

Some cute pictures of Superman and his niece Delilah! She loves her uncle Dylan. If you ask her who uncle Dylan is she looks right at him.


These are pictures of Superman from his swallow study!

Swallow study coming up!

This guy right here has a swallow study coming up this month. Hopefully he doesn’t end with any respiratory problems between now and then. We was told if he does have any respiratory issues the appointment would be canceled. His study is on July 19. So please keep Superman in your prayers and positive thoughts that he stays healthy between now and his appointment. This will determine if the ng tube can be removed. Now all we have do is get him up on his feet and walking on his own.

Superman is bad!

Superman decided he didn’t like the tube down his nose anymore so he removed it. He is getting a break from it right now, but at five it has to be replaced for for his feeding. I hope it goes well, because he he getting back to his bad self again. I can say one thing, I’m proud of how hard he is working in therapy. Please keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming.