Dylan’s balloon release!

It has been a year since you was taken away from us by this evil thing know as SUDEP. It doesn’t seem like it has been a year already. Everything was just rushed after you passed away. It just seemed like a dream that I relive everyday. I miss coming downstairs to your beautiful smile. Dylan you are truly missed and loved my sweet angel.

Dylan’s Birthday!

My sweet Dylan’s birthday in on Thursday and it is going to be one of the hardest days since he passed away. He should still be here but this thing called SUDEP stole his life from him and those that loved him. We sure do miss you Dylan. Not one day goes by without thinking about you. Some days are harder then others but we manage to get through with all the love you left in our hearts. You received a birthday card the other day. It some dinosaur stickers in it.


Halloween was one of Dylan’s favorite holidays. So in his memory I made these pumpkins. Superman colors and purple for epilepsy.

Dylan as Superman!

His older brother had this made for the shelf with his urn. I think they did an awesome job on it.

My beautiful blanket!

Back of the blanket!
The front of it!

Dylan’s big brother Dacota had this made for me. It is a beautiful gift and memory I will treasure always. I love it. I can’t believe tomorrow will be three months already. It seems like yesterday we said goodbye to our Superman. We love you Dylan and miss you so much.

Updated pictures of the garden!

The colors look beautiful!

The colors represent Superman and epilepsy! It is looking more beautiful everyday.

Dylan’s garden!

Some pictures from Dylan’s garden!

We decided to plant a memorial garden for Dylan! We planted all kinds of flowers. Mostly the colors of Superman. We have a few purple flowers for epilepsy.


Mom loves you Superman!

New wheelchair!

Superman in new wheelchair!
Superman enjoying his new wheelchair!

Superman finally got his new wheelchair yesterday. I am happy with it because he can be more comfortable now. Superman would like to say Happy Birthday to his big brother Dacota.